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понеделник, 30 декември 2013 г.

My 2013 in pictures according Google+ *** Моята 2013 според Google+

My 2013 according Google+
How beautiful are these flashbacks! This one even has music! :)

My art, felt and teaching courses, a lot of work, travelling, meetings, exhibition, success!
And so much LOVE!
What an abundance!

THANK YOU! Give me more!

Svetlana Kostova 


Моята 2013 година в снимки през погледа на Google+ :)
Колко са мили тези ретроспекции! А тази дори си има музика! ;)

Моето изкуство, филц и курсове, много работа, срещи, пътувания, изложба, успехи!
И много ЛЮБОВ!
Какво изобилие!

БЛАГО-ДАРЯ! Нека идва повече!

Светлана Костова

петък, 20 декември 2013 г.

Felt art carpet THE PATH OF LIGHT


The inspiration for my project came from the energy that creates everything in our life and the universe, everything that is a balance, plus and minus, Yin and Yang, the double helix, the eyes of God ...

Actually this is the Path of Light, which is implemented and materialized!


Very long time I thought how to do everything to mine almost without help, only with my powers, because everything I do only by hand and the felting process by this large size is really incredibly hard.

Of course, to make such felt carpet is needed a bit more experience and so much, a lot of desire, because there were moments in which to me was very hard, physically hard by physical labor, that I would come to drop, but I decided to finish the job ... and the carpet was bound to happen! :)

This was the beginning - an idea that had to mature a few years :)

From the small sketch of the project "The Way of Light"
to finished woolen rug size 2.30 m the way was long :).
My participation in the exhibition "Before Christmas" was the incentive and turning point for the realization of the long-standing project!

Natural grey-brown shade of wool for the base.
This is the beginning of a large carpet whose design has long matured in me.
Will be called The Way of Light. A lot of work!
The difficulty is that everything is great in the beginning - starting base size should be at about 70% -100% greater than the final

This is a working stage a few days later.
The carpet has a diameter of 2.50 meters, the phase of prefelt,
acquired a round shape and partial decoration after several days work.
Forthcoming further design work and should the heaviest part in the final felting process.

One of the working stages of felt carpet "The Path of Light"

Large carpet now is ready for the final wet felting for that I'll need of little help. 
The large carpet THE PATH OF LIGHT wetted and rolled for wet felting -
the hardest part of the process after many days working on the design and initial shaping.

It was incredibly heavy and difficult to move, but the desire to finish it was so great that after many days of hard labor.
It finally gained its final shape that you see in the next photo.

THE PATH OF LIGHT! Finally finished! Size 2.30 m X 2.0 m,
oval, 100% wool, thickness from 1 to 1.5 cm, hand felted by me almost without any male help :)

My husband really helped me with only by two windings of the carpet in a roll for the wet felting and passing it to the bathroom finally for finishing and final wash (and for the shooting, of course ;).

THE PATH OF LIGHT. Artist - Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt. 
Size: approximately 2.30 x 2 meters = 90.6 x 78.7 inches,
thickness at about 1 - 1.5 cm = 0.4 - 0.6 inches.

Net weight: 4,5 kg. 
On the floor or on the wall this woolen rug will warm the atmosphere of your home with its warm colors and the light that emanates from it!

The carpet PATH OF LIGHT was shown on the exhibition BEFORE CHRISTMAS in Varna city, Bulgaria,
19 Nov.-3 Dec. 2013, http://www.etsy.com/listing/172282071/felt-art-carpet-the-way-of-light-pure 

Fully natural, ecological clean Bulgarian wool in grey-brown and white natural wool color shade.
Dry felting and wet felting techniques.
Completely handmade it is a fruit by hard working many days!

The carpet PATH OF LIGHT was shown on the exhibition BEFORE CHRISTMAS in Varna city, Bulgaria,
19 Nov.-3 Dec. 2013. Composition with felted clouds (sheeps).

This art carpet can be used as wall hanging (wall panel) too. It is not heavy (only 4,5 kg).
You can hang it in the direction that you like the most.
Hang it by putting a long wooden stick(s) (e.g. bamboo) or metal rod(s) and then sew it with fishing line or strong thread to the back of the carpet, and then hang it on the wall too.

The carpet PATH OF LIGHT was shown on the exhibition BEFORE CHRISTMAS in Varna city, Bulgaria,
19 Nov.-3 Dec. 2013, http://www.etsy.com/listing/172282071/felt-art-carpet-the-way-of-light-pure 

Cleaning methods: 

You can just clean the dust. There is no need of often washing or cleaning.
In case of need you can wash it.

Machine washing:
This art object is so big, but if you can put it in the washing machine it can be washed there.
Machine washing on wool program up to 30ºC using gentle washing liquid or powder suitable for wool. It is better to wash with program without centrifuge cycle!

Hand washing is preferable!
For washing you can use the bathtub, large wash basin or baby tub for bathing.
Please, have in mind that the wet wool increased its weight so much, which complicated the process of hand washing.

Please, have in mind that hand wash is permissible by gentle washing agents suitable for wool.
Rinse well to completely rinse the soap foam. In the final rinse add in water a little vinegar to neutralize the remnants of soap (in proportion at about 1 table spoon vinegar in 1 liter water) at last rinsing. Do that, you can rinse again with clear water to remove the smell of vinegar.

Let it to drain well. 
Please, press out the water carefully by hand and/or by foot.
You can absorb excess water with a cotton towel.
Dry free on air only on the horizontal surface and do not hang up, when it is wet!
It dries slowly, especially when the weather is cold and wet.

Please, do not dry in a dryer!

Detailed information on cleaning and washing the wool clothes and accessories you can find in my article: http://svetlanaarts.blogspot.com/2013/02/how-to-wash-our-clothes-and-accessories.html

Possible dry cleaning.

The carpet is ready for shipment.
The price is for transportation is for Registered Priority Mail with tracking number, which you can check and see its status and movement here: http://www.track-trace.com/ .

This carpet is listed in my Etsy shop LanAArt, where you can see it, check transport costs and buy it, if you like. 

If you have any more questions about this my art work, do not hesitate to ask me. 

+ Love 
+ Intention 
+ Action 


Svetlana Kostova

сряда, 18 декември 2013 г.


Съвременни техники за багрене на вълна в неголеми количества, подходящи за всички, които творят в областта на художествения текстил и приложните изкуства

Невъзможно и ненужно е да поддържате количества вълна в десетки и стотици нюанси, да разполагате предварително с всички цветове за проекта си. 

Но ако имате необагрена вълна в естествен цвят, може да си направите колкото и когато ви е необходимо всеки цвят, от който се нуждаете!

Всичко, което преподавам, е плод на личния ми практически опит и достижения.

Това, което ще ви покажа и науча по време на заниманието, не е свързано с класическия начин на боядисване на вълна, който може би знаете от бабите си или от упътванията на кутийките с бои. 
Няма да го намерите и в интернет :).

Бъдете сигурни, че ще научите много нови и ценни неща!

Когато говорим за текстил, който обикновено носим, обличаме, перем, едно от най-важните качества, освен материята, състава, модела и изпълнението, е цветът и качеството на обагрянето.

Сигурно на всеки се е случвало, да си купи дреха или аксесоар, които пускат при пране повече или по-малко цвят. Най-често това са неща, купени от евтините индийски и китайски магазини, но все по-често става правило и за закупени скъпи стоки от фирмени магазини и молове. И това става дори, когато спазвате изискванията на производителя за почистване и поддръжка!

Знайте, че този факт съвсем не е безобиден! И най-малкият ви проблем е избеляването на дрехата, което следва естествено и много бързо при такова пускане на цвят. Някои такива "парцалки" дори оцветяват кожата ви при носене, което може да има много неприятни последици, стигащи понякога дори алергични реакции!

Не смятайте пускането на цвят от дрехите за нормално!
Този неприятен факт може да означава няколко неща:
  • Използвани са неподходящи за материята бои.
Например, боите не са предназначени за вълна, а за памук или кой знае за какви цели! Това може да бъде дори опасно за вашето здраве!
  • Не са спазени процесът и изискванията за фиксиране на багрилата.
Този факт неминуемо води до пускане, защото багрилото трябва по някакъв начин да се задържи за влакното. За различните бои, дори предназначени за един и същи вид влакна, този процес има разлики и те трябва да се отчетат!
  • Използвани са некачествени багрила, които за съжаление навлизат все по-често на пазара и се случва да се предлагат дори от реномирани марки.
Тези и други познания ще станат ваше достояние по време на това занимание. Смятам всички тях за  изключително ценни, особено за тези от вас, които искат да се занимават професионално с някакви приложни изкуства в областта на текстила - плъстене, смесени техники (mixed media), пачуърк, плетене и др.!

Заниманието ще протече в следните основни насоки: 
  • бои за вълна - видове, марки; смесване; инструментариум; начини на работа;
  • подготовка за багрене;
  • избелване на вълна;
  • багрене на малки количества вълна (лента и топс);
  • секционно багрене;
  • последващо багрене;

Участниците е добре да си носят предварително изработени плъстени цветя, платно, топчета, обемни елементи или др. подобни неголеми изделия и/или вълна, които да боядисат по време на заниманието.
Разбира се, може и на място по време на заниманието да си направят подходящи за целта малки парчета платно и обемни изделия, които да обагрят веднага.

Ден: 12 януари 2014, неделя
 Време на провеждане: от 13:30 до 17:30  часа.
Времетраене: 4 часа.
Цена: 35 лв.
Материалите са включени в цената.
 Място на провеждане: София, кв. Суходол
За записване и потвърждаване:
Светлана Костова –  0887 99 31 66, 0878 99 38 66

Напомням на участниците, да си носят поне две памучни хавлиени кърпи и някакво пликче, за да отнесат у дома творенията си.

Моля, потвърждавайте предварително присъствието си или при невъзможност да дойдете, се обаждайте по телефона!
Курсът по филц се провежда в събота и/ или неделя, като всеки път темата е различна и се изучават разнообразни техники и тяхното приложение.

При наличие на желаещи и след предварително уточняване на деня и часа провеждам и индивидуални занимания в дните на работната седмица или през почивните дни. 
Примерната програма на основния курс по филц (курсът за начинаещи) е показана в тази страница на блога ми: http://svetlanaarts.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_5.html , програмата на курса за напреднали тук: http://svetlanaarts.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_18.html .

Редът на заниманията може да търпи известна промяна в зависимост от нивото и желанието на участниците, но трябва да се спазва определена последователност в зависимост от сложността на усвояваните умения. Две занимания могат да бъдат слети за провеждане в един ден.

Тук може да откриете моите цветни фантазии, сътворени от вълна:

Светлана Костова - ЛАнААрт

четвъртък, 12 декември 2013 г.

12.12. Чувствам се късметлия! :) I'm feeling lucky!

Днес, 12.12. започва новата ми лична година. Изпращам старата с благодарност към себе си, всичко и всички, които я направиха толкова цветна, динамична и различна!

Пожелавам си новата ми лична година да е изпълнена още повече с онова, за което мечтая и претворявам в живота си - любов, разбирателство, приятелство, сърдечност, съпричастност, красота, радост, лекота! 

♥ Благодаря! Нека идва повече! ♥

Нека изобилието се излива в живота ми като благодатен извор! А вдъхновението да го насочва, за да твори вселени!

Пожелавам си майсторство в материализацията :)! 

Да бъда здрава и да осъществя през тази идна моя година неща, за които мечтая и работя отдавна!

Така да бъде! И така Е!

Честит рожден ден! ♥

А ето така ме поздрави днес Google с началния си екран и надпис "Честит рожден ден, Svetlana!", който се появява като поставиш мишката над картинката!
Колко сладко!
Чувствам се късметлия! :)


Thus congratulated me today Google by my home screen and the words "Happy birthday, Svetlana!", which appears when the mouse is over the picture!
How sweet!
I'm feeling lucky! :)


Today, 12:12. started my new personal year. I am sending old one with gratitude to myself, to everything and everyone that made ​​it so colorful, dynamic and different!

I wish my new personal year to be filled more with what I dream and re-create in my life - love, understanding, friendship, warmth, empathy, beauty, joy, lightness!

Thank you! Give me more!

Let abundance pours into my life as a source of grace! Let the inspiration guides me to create universes!

I wish myself mastery in materialization :)!

To be healthy and to accomplish this next year the things and works that I dream and prepare for a long! 

So be it! And so it Is!

Happy Birthday to me!

четвъртък, 5 декември 2013 г.

Felt art carpet MOTHER NATURE


When you walk around in the woods, the mountains, amidst the fields, have you the feeling that from everywhere you are watched by curiously countless eyes?

Insects, birds, animals and even trees, stones ... like everything blends together in one face where you can see the Eyes of the Nature!

Like she is a being, a person!
Mother Nature! Mother Earth!
The mother of all living things!


Felt art carpet (tapestry, wall hanging) MOTER NATURE  is made of pure wool by felt technique.

Artist: Svetlana Kostova.

This artwork I created in the beginning of 2012 for my solo exhibition art textiles called "Land of Dreams" and exposed in the Historical Museum - Botevgrad, Bulgaria.

In November-December 2013 it was shown again at the exhibition BEFORE CHRISTMAS in the Art hall of Radio Varna, Bulgaria.

Size: 1,12 - 1,02 m that is 44,1 to 40,2 inches approximately.
Thickness: at about 0,5-1 cm that is 0,2-0,4 inch.

This art work can be used as wall hanging (wall pannel) or floor carpet.
The carpet is created of different types of wool, most of them I have dyed own by hand. Some of the colors I've dyed with extract of natural leaves.
Others are in the wool's natural brown, grey and white shades.
Dry and wet felting.
There is no stitching or sewing!
Making the carpet took me more than a week

Cleaning methods:
There is no need of frequently washing or cleaning! Just clean the dust.
Please, have in mind that hand wash is permissible by gentle washing agents suitable for wool.
After good rinsing, please, press out the water carefully by hand. Please, do not twist! Absorb excess water with a cotton towel.
Please, let dry free on air only on the horizontal surface and do not hang up, when it is wet!

Attention: This felt carpet could be washed in washing machine only with cold water, using washing agents for wool, on delicate program without centrifuge cycle!
Please, do not dry in the dryer!

If you have any questions about this my work, please feel free to ask.

Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt

сряда, 4 декември 2013 г.

AUTUMN SUNS felt art carpet in Autumn Palette


A walk in the forest under the caressing rays of the warm autumn sun among the colors and shapes as only autumn can offer!
And a thousand reflections of light in the wet leaves!
Autumn Galore!

On the floor or on the wall this woolen rug will warm the atmosphere of your home with its warm colors and the light that emanates from it!

I created this felt art carpet in November 2013 preparing for an exhibition of applied arts named BEFORE CHRISTMAS curated by Darzalas gallery in the Art hall of Radio Varna from November 19 till December 3, 2013.

Size is approximately 1.25 x 1.25 meters = 49.2 x 49.2 inches, thickness at about 1 cm = 0,4 inches.
It is completely handmade!

You can look at the process of creation that began with an inspiration from nature - tree mushrooms that have a unique structure. Beautiful and different, in themselves, they are a real work of art on the largest Creator!

I painted this picture long ago with acrylic paints.
And I always wanted to recreate it in textiles.
The idea long matured and finally just asked to be born!


And the process of felting began starting with the wool base that is so large in the beginning.
The carpet is created only from ecological clean Bulgarian wool in wet felt technique.

I used different types of wool, most of them I dyed personally.
Some of the colors I've dyed with extract of natural leaves.
Others are in the wool's natural shades of white, grey and brown.
Many time carefully arranging the design, putting wool fiber after fiber, wetting, adding more, etc.

Many hours of laying wool "painting" by it!

After all started the hard part of the process - actual felting by rolling of heavy package and the final rubbing for alignment by processing of edges.

At the end followed washing of the heavy wet carpet from the soap, draining and drying it.

This art work can be used as wall hanging (wall panel) too.
You can hang it in the direction that you like the most.
Hang it by putting a long wooden stick (e.g. bamboo) or metal rod and then sew it with fishing line or strong thread to the back of the carpet, and then hang it on the wall too.

Cleaning methods:
You can just clean the dust. There is no need of often washing or cleaning.
In case of need you can wash it. HAND WASHING IS RECOMMENDED!
For washing you can use the bathtub, large wash basin or baby tub for bathing.
Please, have in mind that hand wash is permissible by gentle washing agents suitable for wool. After washing, please rinse well and add some vinegar (in proportion at about 1 table spoon vinegar in 1 liter water) at last rinsing. Do that, you can rinse again with clear water to remove the smell of vinegar.
After washing allow water to drain well.

After that, please, press out the water carefully by hand.
Please, do not twist! Absorb excess water with a cotton towel. Let dry free on air.
Please, do not hang - dry on a flat surface avoiding direct sunlight!
Please, do not dry in a dryer!

Detailed information on cleaning and washing the wool clothes and accessories you can find in my article: http://svetlanaarts.blogspot.com/2013/02/how-to-wash-our-clothes-and-accessories.html

The felt art carpet AUTUMN SUNS is represented in my e-shop LanAArt on Etsy here:

If you have any questions about this my work, please feel free to ask me.
Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt

понеделник, 2 декември 2013 г.

Felt art tapestry LAND OF DREAMS 2 or EARTH MEADOW


 Felt art carpet named EARTH MEADOW or LAND OF DREAMS 2 is made by me, Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt.

This artwork I finished in February 2012 for my last solo exhibition art textiles called "Land of Dreams" and exposed in the Historical Museum - Botevgrad, Bulgaria.

It's shown again at the exhibition BEFORE CHRISTMAS in November-December 2013 in the Art hall of Radio Varna, Bulgaria.

This wall hanging is the second of a cycle dedicated to the Earth, and that New Earth, which we all create in our hearts and through our dreams.

The first was this one that gave the name LAND OF DREAMS! 

LAND OF DREAMS - felt art carpet by Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt
LAND OF DREAMS - felt art carpet
by Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt (detail)
It's like a look into the future.

Now this wall hanging lives with one's dreams in a Dutch home!

The other art piece is this floor  round carpet called NEW EARTH. It is our ''Now'' that creates our new life, our lovely planet in the future, as we wish to be! 

That my work expresses our connectivity, our unity and integrity as human beings.

Because regardless of skin color, eyes, height and location of the earth, we all have hearts that do not even realize, vibrate and are connected by the threads of love and a whole called universe, God!

New Earth - felt art carpet by Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt

The second LAND OF DREAMS expresses my feelings of the sweet state of dreaming, which we've all experienced in childhood, lying on a meadow in grass and flowers, buzzing and birds singing.

The rug has an uneven surface and numerous projections that create a feeling of flowers and butterflies in a fairy glade.

And everything is in muted pastel tones, as if shrouded in a bright sadness and longing for childhood, dreams and endless carefree days!
Blessed time!

Because of the original idea and the specific character of felt technique, the sizes and thicknesses are not equal and vary in all directions.
Size: 1,30/0,77 m ~ 51,2"/ 30,3" approximately.
Thickness: at about 0,5-1,5 cm"/ 0,2"- 0,59" approximately.

The carpet is created of different types of wool, carded and raw (wild) wool, most of them I have dyed own by hand. Others are in the wool's natural grey and brown shades. The base and some other colors I've dyed with extract of natural leaves and fruits.
The making of rug took me a few weeks to create the projects, cleaning and dyeing wool and hard work by repeatedly alternating needle and wet felting. Completely handmade.
There is no stitching or sewing!

You can combine this art piece with this one:

New Earth: http://www.etsy.com/listing/93668980/new-earth-unique-floor-carpet-textile

Cleaning methods:
There is no need for frequent cleaning, even less than washing! Just clean the dust.
You can wash in a large bowl, children bowl or in the tub.
Please use detergents for washing wool and silk.
When wool gets wet, it increases the weight, which complicates the process somewhat, but the rug is small and wet weighs about 3-4 kg.

Finally rinse well. You can add a little vinegar in the last rinse water.
Allow to drain well.
Do not twist, just squeeze the water between your hands!
Finally you can absorb excess water with a large cotton towel.

Dry free on air. Please do not dry in a dryer!
Dry in a horizontal position. Please do not hang when it is still wet!

If you have any questions about this my work, please feel free to ask.
Svetlana Kostova - LAnAArt

